Napolitano, Francesco (2017) Growth and nutritional quality of leafy vegetables in soilless culture: effect of nutritional factors. [Tesi di dottorato]

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Tipologia del documento: Tesi di dottorato
Lingua: English
Titolo: Growth and nutritional quality of leafy vegetables in soilless culture: effect of nutritional factors
Data: 9 Ottobre 2017
Numero di pagine: 117
Istituzione: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento: Agraria
Dottorato: Scienze agrarie e agroalimentari
Ciclo di dottorato: 29
Coordinatore del Corso di dottorato:
Rouphael, Youssef[non definito]
Data: 9 Ottobre 2017
Numero di pagine: 117
Parole chiave: soilless culture; leafy vegetables; nutrition; nitrate; photochemicals
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 07 - Scienze agrarie e veterinarie > AGR/04 - Orticoltura e floricoltura
Depositato il: 18 Ott 2017 08:34
Ultima modifica: 14 Mar 2018 09:29
DOI: 10.6093/UNINA/FEDOA/11900


The configuration of the two leafy vegetables: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and spiny chicory (Cichorium spinosum L.) was analyzed in a multi-factorial approach accounting for the effects of cultivars, salinity sources and number of cut. Under increasing level of NaCl in the nutrient solution the yield and growth of baby lettuce decreased with more detrimental effects on the green variety. However, the overall quality of baby lettuce increased at 20 mM NaCl whereas a significant decrease of the nutritional value was recorded at 30 mM NaCl. The CaCl2 treatment adopted in the second experiment was able to increase the nutraceutical properties of baby lettuce in particular the mineral and phenolic profile along with the anitoxidant capacity without a significant decrease crop productivity. The second cut inccured a significant increase in total phenols, vitamin C and anitoxidant activities. The results of the third experiment indicate that the osmotic potential level is the dominant factor for the impact of salinity on C. spinosum, but the salinity source may also play a role. Although differences in dry biomass accumulation due to the salt species were observed only between CaCl2 and the other three salinity sources at the highest salinity level, the recorded metabolic profiles following salt stress exhibited distinct differences depending on both the level and source of salinity. Glutamate, pyroglutamate, L-proline, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and sucrose were signatory metabolites enhanced by salinity stress in C. spinosum, which implies that they may be involved in intracellular osmoprotection mechanisms. For a pratical point of view, the results obtained in our research can help the growers in the crop management of these potential leafy vegetables; they can help the consumer in the knowledge of the overall quality of leafy vegetables under different preharvest factors; and they are a good basement for other researches.


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