Castigliano, Marica (2017) Port-Territory Interfaces. Planning Towards Logistics and Urban Development Scenarios. [Tesi di dottorato]

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Item Type: Tesi di dottorato
Resource language: English
Title: Port-Territory Interfaces. Planning Towards Logistics and Urban Development Scenarios
Castigliano, Marica
Date: 11 December 2017
Number of Pages: 193
Institution: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Department: dep02
Dottorato: phd004
Ciclo di dottorato: 30
Coordinatore del Corso di dottorato:
Russo, Michelangelo
Russo, Michelangelo
Date: 11 December 2017
Number of Pages: 193
Keywords: port system, networked infrastructures, logistics landscape
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura > ICAR/20 - Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica
Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura > ICAR/21 - Urbanistica
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2017 18:48
Last Modified: 18 Mar 2019 08:53

Collection description

The research project focuses on port systems as networks of infrastructure that spread in the regional territory through seaport areas, inland terminals, logistics platforms and corridors. The study investigates processes of governance, planning tools and spatial outcomes through which port authorities, cities, regions and states support new strategies for development, beyond the boundary of the port and according to the improvement of infrastructure’s performance. The ‘spaces of flows’ are influencing contemporary landscapes. Flows of goods affect human behaviours and built environments by providing commodities from all over the world. For this reason, the study addresses global networks focusing on the effects that supply chain capitalism and financial elite actors produce in the local context of port regions. According to urban theories, the city is no longer a compact urban form. Urban planners have to deal with new ‘splintered’ forms of urbanization and urban structures spreading in wide regional areas. In the urban development framework, logistics areas related to port network are usually outsourced to engineering expertise and transport policy. Transport planning, aiming to assure the efficiency of the infrastructural armor of the territory, is increasingly disconnected from wider urban policy goals. The dissertation claims that port and logistics areas are part of the contemporary urbanized world, and are also strategic in planning, especially when new scenarios and urban regeneration programs are set up. Considering that logistics areas vary in size, distribution and location, the study investigates the port system in a multiscalar perspective focusing on multiple actors and strategies occurring from the port-city threshold to the hinterland. The research study provides an understanding of how the port system – in its spatial and institutional implications – affects planning processes, and it questions the urban design dimension of hard port infrastructure. As a final aim, the dissertation gives insights to foster a new perspective in Italian planning policies related to port networks and port territories development. In order to do this, the research approach focuses the relationships between spatial patterns and institutional structures given the different layers of interactions that the scattered port system embraces within the territory. This approach allows for study of port-territory planning issues, addressing their variations and complexities by framing the areas of investigation through specific port-territory interfaces. Port-territory interfaces identify areas of analysis where scattered port and logistics infrastructure interact with different territorial patterns. Applying this method of investigation, qualitative analyses have been conducted on case studies through desktop research of official documents and instruments, and semi-structured interviews to key actors. The Dutch case is framed as a European model from which it is possible to deduce insights and assess constraints in order to challenge Italian issues. The latter are highlighted through the main case study on Campania region. The dissertation provides an analysis of different port-territory scenarios in order to foster a comprehensive vision of port system issues in contemporary urbanized areas. In doing so, it aims to propose a more sensitive approach to local implications of global infrastructure. The goal of the research study is to improve planning tools oriented to the development of successful spatial and institutional relationships of port-territory interplay.


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