Somma, Maria (2022) CoDeSs: Collaborative decision support system in spatial planning. Methods and tools to sustainable evaluated and co-design wasted roadscapes. [Tesi di dottorato]

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Item Type: Tesi di dottorato
Resource language: Italiano
Title: CoDeSs: Collaborative decision support system in spatial planning. Methods and tools to sustainable evaluated and co-design wasted roadscapes
Somma, Maria
Date: 9 June 2022
Number of Pages: 338
Institution: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Department: Architettura
Dottorato: Architettura
Ciclo di dottorato: 34
Coordinatore del Corso di dottorato:
Mangone, Fabio
Cerreta, Maria
Moccia, Francesco Domenico
Poli, Giuliano
Remøy, Hilde
van Timmeren, Arjan
Date: 9 June 2022
Number of Pages: 338
Keywords: Geodesign, valutazione, co-design sistemi di supporto alle decisioni, pianificazione urbana, rigenerazione urbana.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura > ICAR/20 - Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica
Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura > ICAR/21 - Urbanistica
Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura > ICAR/22 - Estimo
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2022 05:51
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2024 11:04

Collection description

This thesis investigates the landscapes of waste defined in literature as "drosscape" (Berger, 2007) by presenting an in-depth study on how these are delineated in the territories and by introducing the concept of wasted roadscapes referring to those landscapes of waste that assume characteristics and values when they are included in or are located close to mobility infrastructures. The wastescapes, understood as 'waste landscapes', constitute an innovative resource for the regeneration of territories in crisis and represent the central theme of the research proposal. Over the last forty years, the words that have expressly connected the concept of waste (Ammons, 1993; François, 1997; Gilles, 2005; Kevin Lynch, 1992; Marc, 2006; Philippe, 2007; W. L. Rathje & Murphy, 1992; Wylie, 1959) to the territory and landscape, more specifically, have often been alternated, conceptualised and deconstructed in the pages of books and the journals of the sector. The interplay between waste and landscape has defined a new territory, wastescapes (Russo et al., 2017) and wasted roadscapes, the result of spontaneous and planned processes that have led the urban elements to 'move from one function to another to be abandoned or sometimes irrecoverably changed. The residues of successive phases of occupation have accumulated and become part of the nature of the land (Lynch, 1992). A wasted landscape is comparable to a living organism, physiologically resilient to its condition of being 'rejected', a system that is by nature already circular and has its own metabolism. A wasted landscape is comparable to a living organism, physiologically resilient to its condition of being 'rejected', a system that is by nature already circular and has its metabolism. The thesis explores wasted roadscapes by referring to the tools and approaches used today to read and work with and on the territory, introducing a zenithal look at reality and the possibility of intervening more closely with it. In particular, the approaches, methods and tools are analysed in the framework of planning and evaluation policies, useful to support urban regeneration processes by adhering to the principles of the Circular Economy (CE) and those enunciated in the 2030 Agenda in which the role and involvement of multiple stakeholders and local actors in decision-making processes become important. This perspective requires a paradigm shift in the study and assessment of wasted roadscapes (WR), analysing the multiple and different environmental, economic, social and cultural implications, and exploring synergetic approaches and techniques to address and manage change. Therefore, from this perspective, Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) can assist in structuring an urban regeneration process by allowing the process and conflicts to be managed and by testing implications and sustainable solutions at different scales. Within these tools, evaluated approaches and methods - including multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and the Geodesign framework - are solving this challenge and are tested in different contexts to evaluate and integrate WRs into spatial policies for urban regeneration. The case studies present four ways of investigating and evaluating WRs, considering some relevant aspects and characteristics, to structure a collaborative spatial system that can define guidelines to implement regeneration strategies. The first case study, outlined in collaboration with the tutor of the foreign university and the Italian university, analyses and evaluates the urban potential of the wastescapes identified by the H2020 research project REPAiR - REsource Management in Peri-urban Areas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism within the Geodesign Decision Support Environment (GDSE), a spatial support system for the co-creation of circular strategies. The latter, in particular, constitutes the tool to make a decision-making process collaborative, from the knowledge to the negotiation phase, but focuses purely on the analysis and evaluation of waste streams, limiting interaction with wastescapes that, within the platform, remain static. Reference is made to wasted roadscapes present in four municipalities east of Naples (Afragola, Cardito, Casoria and Casalnuovo di Napoli). Data input is outlined for constructing simple construction and composite indicators in GIS linked to the urban context. This is to structure an operational workflow for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of wasted roadscapes and their potential. These refer to analyses also linked to socially relevant aspects which, when unified with waste flows in GDSE, make it possible to assess the convenience or otherwise of regenerating one space rather than another. On a smaller scale but still referring to four municipalities, starting from a case study outlined in the company's experience with RINA Consulting, the focus shifts to the construction of a spatial decision support system that can help the decision-maker in the choice of sustainable solutions for the construction of road infrastructure by regenerating the existing fabric and in particular that of waste and aiming to consume zero soil. Giulianova, Mosciano Sant'Angelo, Notaresco and Roseto degli Abruzzi (Abruzzo) are the municipalities identified as significant to envisage regeneration interventions by constructing an infrastructure connecting peripheral territories with the Adriatic coast. The third case refers to the construction of a spatial decision support system for the municipality of Messina, which defines the urban areas (which to date fall within the perimeter of SCI and SPA areas) in which it is possible to envisage planning, design and regeneration interventions for the wasted roadscapes. Messina was selected because it represents a paradigmatic city for the substantial environmental and social criticalities that have only intensified the appearance of WRs. The municipality of Bacoli represents the fourth case study, similar to the third. Here too, the territorial context of the reference is paradigmatic as it is characterised by the presence of constrained areas and high naturalistic value. Again, the presence of wasted roadscapes is significant since these are inserted within an already fragmented and degraded context. Here the geo-morphological conditions have defined a diversified territory in which the natural landscape is contrasted with wasted landscapes. Here again, a collaborative planning and regeneration process was structured, in which wasted roadscapes were analysed and made dynamic within an SDSS used to define sustainable regeneration strategies. Similar circumstances but different modalities led to the definition of four methodological approaches. The active involvement of actors and stakeholders with diverse experiences and competencies operationalised the process and allowed us to rethink the city in sustainable and circular terms. The input data of the case studies and their processing with assessment methods and tools guided the methodological proposal at the basis of this thesis, in which the knowledge and assessment of wasted roadscapes are integrated into the decision-making processes of urban planning and regeneration through the definition of an Innovative and Collaborative Spatial Decision Support System (CoDeSs) that can be replicated in different territorial contexts.


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