Mancini, Cecilia (2014) Thermographic data inversion procedures. Architectural and environmental applications. [Tesi di dottorato]


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Item Type: Tesi di dottorato
Resource language: English
Title: Thermographic data inversion procedures. Architectural and environmental applications
Date: 27 March 2014
Number of Pages: 145
Institution: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Department: Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse
Scuola di dottorato: Scienze della terra
Dottorato: Scienze della Terra
Ciclo di dottorato: 26
Coordinatore del Corso di dottorato:
Date: 27 March 2014
Number of Pages: 145
Keywords: Infrared Thermography, inverse methods, numerical modeling, Phlegraean thermal model,
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 02 - Scienze fisiche > FIS/07 - Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina)
Area 04 - Scienze della terra > GEO/08 - Geochimica e vulcanologia
Area 04 - Scienze della terra > GEO/11 - Geofisica applicata
Date Deposited: 07 Apr 2014 15:58
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2015 01:01

Collection description

The general objectives of this thesis are the development, testing and application of numerical methods for solving heat transfer problems and analyzing thermographic data in different application fields of thermography. The research activity was focused on development, testing and application of numerical methods for solving the thermal problem and analyzing thermographic data in the architectural and environmental fields. First, numerical codes, based on the Conservative Finite Difference approximation, were implemented in MATLAB environment to solve the 1D and 2D heat conduction problems. The codes allow to simulate the thermal response of homogeneous and non-homogeneous media by varying both geometry (i.e, width, depth) and thermal properties (i.e., thermal conductivity, specific heat, density) of the constituent materials and initial internal temperature distribution. The developed numerical codes were tested on IRT measurements performed on two specimens consisting of one- and two-layer structures with several defects of different geometry and materials. Synthetic thermal curves were calculated and compared with the experimental thermal transients of different surface pixels of the investigated structures. Then, two examples of application of the codes to different study areas are discussed in order to show how the proposed numerical method can be applied for obtaining helpful information on the state of conservation of ancient buildings. The first case study is related to a quantitative analysis of experimental data acquired in the Marcus Fabius Rufus’ House located in the archaeological area of Pompei (Naples, Italy). The second case study is related to a quantitative analysis of thermographic data acquired on the east wing of the Dome of Magdeburg (Germany). The developed numerical algorithms are also applied in the attempt to reproduce the thermal evolution of the Phlegraean magmatic system (Naples, southern Italy) during the last 40,000 years. In this case, the thermal source is a magma chamber and, therefore, heat propagates from the interior to the surface. Thus, the main aim is to verify if the high temperatures measured in the geothermal wells drilled inside the Campi Flegrei caldera can reasonably be reproduced under the assumption of heat loss of a magma chamber through conduction in inhomogeneous media. hydrothermal convection has to be taken into account to properly describe heat propagation above such depths. Furthermore, a new method for analyzing long-term time series of thermographic data has been developed in order to quantify information from continuous IR data recorded by permanent network located at the monitoring station of Pisciarelli (Campi Flegrei). Finally, a new approach to invert IRT data based on the Prony’s method has been proposed. The application of the method to synthetic and experimental thermal data showed significant correlations between the exponential coefficients coming from the Prony’s analysis and the physical properties of test homogeneous materials.


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