Priore, Lucia (2006) Teaching and learning languages as an instrument of communication and knowledge of customes, traditions and values througout the world: an extract from European Union official documents in the field of education and some reflections on university language centres and the impact of new technology. In: Università Federico II, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia,Lezione in laboratorio di lingua Inglese, Corso di Laurea specialistica in "Scienze delle professioni tecniche e sanitarie , area assistenziale", Napoli, Italia. (Unpublished)

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Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Title: Teaching and learning languages as an instrument of communication and knowledge of customes, traditions and values througout the world: an extract from European Union official documents in the field of education and some reflections on university language centres and the impact of new technology.
Priore, Lucia
Priore, Lucia
Date: 2006
Date type: Publication
Number of Pages: 42
Event Type: Other
Event Title: Università Federico II, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia,Lezione in laboratorio di lingua Inglese, Corso di Laurea specialistica in "Scienze delle professioni tecniche e sanitarie , area assistenziale"
Event Location: Napoli, Italia
Title of Book: Official European documents, (September 1993), Discussion paper on the European dimension of education
Date: 2006
Number of Pages: 42
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Languages, Instrument of communication, Knowledge of customes, Traditions, Values throughout the world, Peace, European Union, Education, New technology, University language centres, Encouraging the acquisition of new knowledge, Voluntary service, European quality label, The European Language Portfolio, Bridges between school, University and voluntary service
References: GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY · ALTE (1998). European Language Examination and Examination Systems. Description of examinations offered and examination systems administered by members of the Association of Language Testers in Europe. EFL Division, The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. · Bachmann, L., (1992) Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: OUP. · Banerjee, J., Clapham, C. , Clapham, P. Wall, D., (Eds.), (1999), ILTA Language Testing Bibliography 1990-1999, Lancaster Univ., Great Britain. · Clapham C., Wall D., Eds., (1999), Language Testing Update, Lancaster Univ., Great Britain. · Castello, Erik c.d.s., 'Experience with web-based testing software for the CERCLU project and other purposes' , Proceedings of the 7th CercleS International Conference, University Language Centres: Forging the Learning Environments of the Future (19-21 settembre 2002 ), Paris IX Dauphine University. Bachmann, L., (1992) Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: OUP. · Consiglio d'Europa (2002), Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue: apprendimento, insegnamento, valutazione. Firenze, La Nuova Italia. · The Council of Europe, A Common European Framework of References for Languages “The Modern Language Projects of the Council of Europe”, Strasbourg · Gotti, Maurizio,2002 b., 'Il contributo dei Centri Linguistici di Ateneo alle attività delle facoltà umanistiche', in Vergaro, C. (a c. di) Verso quale CLA? La ridefinizione dei ruoli dei Centri Linguistici d'Ateneo nella prospettiva dei nuovi ordinamenti didattici, Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2002, 47-62. · Gotti, Maurizio c.d.s., 'Il ruolo dei Centri Linguistici nell'Europa delle lingue', Atti del Convegno sul tema 'Crescere nell'Europa delle Lingue' (15-17/2/2001), Università 'La Sapienza', Roma . · Lado, R. (1961), Language testing: the construction and usage of foreign language tests. London, Longman. · Puglielli, A., Ambroso, S., Frascarelli, M. (1999) "Certificazione linguistica e formazione professionale. Un'iniziativa della regione Lazio", Edizioni Montecelio, Roma. · Raatz, U., C. Klein-Braley, Introduction to Language Testing and C-tests, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg. · Taylor Torsello, Carol, 2001, 'La Certificazione delle competenze linguistiche', Universitas , 79, aprile, 26-29. · Taylor Torsello, Carol, 2002a, 'C.L.A., razionalizzazione delle risorse e qualità dell’apprendimento linguistico', in Taylor Torsello C. e Guerini R. (a c. di) Innovazioni nell’apprendimento linguistico con il supporto del C.L.A., Padova, CLEUP, 7-10. · Taylor Torsello, Carol, 2002b, 'I Centri Linguistici nella riforma: è possibile dare una risposta qualitativamente valida ad una domanda quantitativamente sconvolgente?', in Vergaro, Claudia (a c. di) Verso quale CLA? La ridefinizione dei ruoli dei Centri LInguistici di Ateneo nella prospettiva dei nuovi ordinamenti didattici, Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 19-26. · Taylor Torsello, Carol e Ambroso, Serena c.d.s, “The CERCLU Project for Certifying Language Competence in Italian University Language Centres”, Proceedings of the 7th Cercles International Conference, University Language Centres: Forging the Learning Environments of the Future (19-21 settembre 2002), Paris IX Dauphine University. Listening · Brindley, G. 1998. "Assessing Listening Abilities." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 18, 171 - 191. · Buck, G. 1992. "Listening Comprehension: Construct Validity and Trait Characteristics." Language Learning 42, 3, 313 - 357. · Buck, G. 1998. "Testing of Listening in a Second Language." In Clapham, C. M. and Corson, D. (eds.) Language Testing and Assessment. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol. 7, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 65 - 74. Speaking · Chalhoub-Deville, M. 1995. "A Contextualized Approach to Describing Oral Language Proficiency." Language Learning 45, 251 - 281. · Douglas, D. and Selinker, L. 1992. "Analysing Oral Proficiency Test Performance in General and Specific Purpose Contexts." System 20, 317 - 328. · Turner, J. 1998. "Assessing Speaking." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 18, 192 - 207. Reading · Alderson, J. C. 1996. "The Testing of Reading." In Nuttall, C. (ed.) Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. London: Heinemann. · Clapham. C. M. 1996. The Development of IELTS: A Study of the Effect of Background Knowledge on Reading Comprehension. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. · Heaton, J. B. 1975. Writing English Language Tests. London: Longman. · Perkins, K. 1998. "Assessing Reading." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 18, 208 - 218. Writing · Fulcher, G. 1997. "Assessing Writing." In Fulcher, G. (ed.) Writing in the English Language Classroom. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall Europe. · Hamp-Lyons, L. 1991. Assessing Second Language Writing in Academic Contexts. Ablex, Norwood NJ. · Kroll, B. 1998. "Assessing Writing Abilities." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 18, 219 - 240. Information and new technologies · Clark H. H., Using Language, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996 · Conoscenti M., Linguistica e ambienti glottodidattici . Riflessioni di linguistica Informatica, Bulzoni, Roma, 1996 · Dotoli G., I Centri linguistici di Ateneo, una risorsa per l’Europa del 2000, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Monopoli, 31 maggio – 2 giugno 1997 · Laurillard D., Ma rullo G., Computer Based Approaches to Second Language Learning. Language, Classrooms and Computers. Edited by P.Scrimshaw , Routledge, London, 1993 · Zhao y., Language Learning on the World Wide Web: Toward a Framework of Network, CALL, CALICO Journal, Duke University, Durham, North Caroline, 14, 1 ,1996 Links · · Language Centre at the University of Postdam: · · Text in electronic format: Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A Common European Framework of Reference · http://www.The Council of Europe
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 10 - Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche > L-LIN/12 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese
Additional information: Writing skills - Lezione di lingua inglese, corso di laurea specialistica in Scienza delle professioni tecniche sanitarie, area assistenziale
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2008
Last Modified: 30 Apr 2014 19:25

Collection description

The European Commission publishes documents containing proposals for Community actions in many different areas. Primarily they are documents addressed to interested parties – organizations and individuals, who are invited to participate in a process of consultation and debate. In some areas, such as education, they provide an impetus for subsequent legislation. These documents, sometimes, follow discussion papers published to launch a consultation process at European level. While discussion papers set out a range of ideas presented for public discussion and debate, document papers contain an official set of proposal in specific areas and are used as vehicles for Community development. The aim of this contribution is to identify through public official European documents some opportunities in the field of education, especially in combating social exclusion, and to assess how important . the teacher’s work is in giving students confidence in learning languages. People often speak about “World Peace”, but they often don’t know how to start turning violence, war, terrorism in to peace actions. Promoting European ideas in the field of education is the first step to develop this aim. My opinion is that school and university must be closely associated in the operation of the EU supporting it with specific programmes.


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