Todisco, Lucio (2020) New technologies supporting operations: Smart Working as a tool to shape processes and Human Resources practices in public sector. [Tesi di dottorato]

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Item Type: Tesi di dottorato
Resource language: English
Title: New technologies supporting operations: Smart Working as a tool to shape processes and Human Resources practices in public sector.
Todisco, Lucio
Date: 11 March 2020
Number of Pages: 159
Institution: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Department: Economia, Management e Istituzioni
Dottorato: Management
Ciclo di dottorato: 32
Coordinatore del Corso di dottorato:
Mele, Cristina
Mangia, Gianluigi
Date: 11 March 2020
Number of Pages: 159
Keywords: smart working, change management, public sector
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 13 - Scienze economiche e statistiche > SECS-P/10 - Organizzazione aziendale
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2020 13:33
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2021 09:55

Collection description

In recent decades technological innovation is a phenomenon that has involved in public and private organizations, causing real organizational change revolutions (Fiorentino, 2013; Bekkers and Homburg, 2005). Organizational change is represented from a dynamic point of view as a process that, in the course of its evolution, which aims to counter organizational inertia and resistance to change itself. The goal is to make organizations adhering to changes coming from society by making it more efficient and productive. (Consiglio, 2007; Rebora and Minelli, 2007). In a context of rapid change, the pervasiveness of digital technologies in all sectors of human activities models a critical challenge to organizational thinking: knowing how to understand the significant changes taking place, recognizing that the area of technological choices and the area of organizational choices, they do not constitute conceptually separate worlds but are interconnected part of organizational change (Venier, 2017). According to many researchers (e.g. El Gamry et al. 2018, Ballistreri, 2016, Gastaldi et al.2014) Smart Working is defined as how an organizational approach combines flexibility, autonomy, collaboration, and digitalization with the aims to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in the organizations. Starting from these premises the aim of this thesis is to analyse the diffusion of Smart Working in the Italian public administration. The empirical part was conducted using a qualitative methodology. In this research work was been realized a series of semi-structured interviews to civil servants and public managers of local and decentralised Italian public administrations. The aim was been tried to understand the perception that civil servants and public managers have concerning the diffusion of the Smart Working model in Italian public administration.


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