Caruso, Daniele (2020) Water risk conditions as paradox. Water risk condition as catalyst for future challenges: the strategic, cultural and designing dimension of Green and blue Infrastractures for the resilient design of the contemporary city. [Tesi di dottorato]

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Item Type: Tesi di dottorato
Resource language: English
Title: Water risk conditions as paradox. Water risk condition as catalyst for future challenges: the strategic, cultural and designing dimension of Green and blue Infrastractures for the resilient design of the contemporary city.
Caruso, Daniele
Date: 13 March 2020
Number of Pages: 335
Institution: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Department: Architettura
Dottorato: Architettura
Ciclo di dottorato: 32
Coordinatore del Corso di dottorato:
Mangone, Fabio
Gasparrini, Carlo
Date: 13 March 2020
Number of Pages: 335
Keywords: Water risk, Green and Blue Infrastructure, Resilient Adaptation
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura > ICAR/21 - Urbanistica
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2020 10:11
Last Modified: 08 Nov 2021 11:53

Collection description

Abstract The thesis of research on the relationship between water and the city is configured in his entirety as an opportunity of study that aims to the comprehension of historical dynamics which have put in tension over the time the role of the water and the relationship with the urban design within the city. Particularly, the purpose is to shed light on those aspects of physical and social and cultural character that have been retained of relevant interest for the identification of mechanisms of control and water management before effects induced by climate change. The structure of the research is articulated in different sub-chapters, whose scope is those to explicit with a certain clarity the attention to the theme of water-related risks which in particular contexts does not want to be brought to the light as a consequence of recent events, but rather as a testimony of a sensibility towards the ecological questions along a many centuries-old period. In a first phase, the aims are to intercept those risk conditions historically associated to the water by reconstructing articulated relationships between this resource and the city, as well as the “hydraulic culture” (Viganò, 2012) that within specific contexts has permitted to domesticate this resource also in the light of more extreme conditions. This first stage allows to focus the attention on more or less conscious historical processes of adaptation of the city to the water and to reconstruct sceneries of daily coexistence, as well as the conscious use of spaces by resorting to iconographic sources. Following, the attention is given to specific processes that starting from the XVIII century have given birth to a series of dynamics of transformation in order to pursue specific purposes. The third chapter permits to make evidences of consequences already mentioned and the recognition of a fundamental role of open spaces of ecological-natural value. This allows to attribute a specific interest to temporary uses that community and users make of them, by emancipating that hydraulic culture above mentioned as an acquired characteristic on the basis of direct experience. The case study of Dresden in his extraordinary and his contradictory conditions represents an important reference to understand the perspectives of these constant behaviors in the light of recent episodes of flooding and climate change-induced effects. The conclusion of the research dedicates a substantial space at the comparation of the case study with other cities, in particular in Germany, by highlighting innovative aspects in certain cases that demonstrate an absolute awareness compared to the necessity to return to conditions of major coexistence between ecological conditions and the city. In the last chapter of the case study the research focuses on the wide debate on “Green and Blue Infrastructures”, which is configured in the last years, in particular in Europe, as one of the strategical responses to flooding and the increasing “environmental question”, but also as well as an instrument of spatial reorganization in terms of the equitable offer of new and qualitative public spaces.


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