De Riso, Giuseppe (2023) The Invention of Truth. Salman Rushdie between Truth and Make-believe. UNSPECIFIED. UnioPress, Napoli.
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Item Type: | Monograph (UNSPECIFIED) |
Resource language: | English |
Title: | The Invention of Truth. Salman Rushdie between Truth and Make-believe |
Creators: | Creators Email De Riso, Giuseppe UNSPECIFIED |
Autore/i: | [Italiano]: Giuseppe De Riso è ricercatore in Letteratura Inglese all’Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, ateneo presso il quale ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Studi Culturali e postcoloniali del mondo anglofono. In qualità di editorial assistant e webmaster, si è occupato della pubblicazione di diversi numeri di Anglistica AION, una rivista interdisciplinare del Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Comparati de “L’Orientale”. Ha pubblicato due monografie Affect and the Performative Dimension of Fear in the Indian English Novel: Tumults of the Imagination (Cambridge Scholars, 2018), e Mappe affettive e corpi biomediati nel gioco elettronico del mondo anglofono (Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, 2013). Ha pubblicato, inoltre, numerosi saggi su letteratura anglo-indiana e nuovi media. Tra i più recenti: “Time out of Time: Transworld Identity and the Collapse of Ontological Boundaries in The Accidental by Ali Smith” (2022), “The Algebra of Anger. Social Oppression and Queer Intersectionality in Funny Boy and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” (2021), “Ethical Responsibility in Midnight’s Children. Clinical Storytelling as a Form of Biological and Cultural Survival” (2019), “Writing with the Ghost: Specters of Narration in Anil’s Ghost by Michael Ondaatje” (2020), “Palimpsests of Power in Neel Mukherjee’s The Lives of Others” (2019), “Memory and Negotiations of Identity in Train to Pakistan” (2018), “Gaming Gender: Virtual Embodiment as a Synaesthetic Experience” (2015). Attualmente, la sua ricerca riguarda il Post- e il Metamodernismo inglese, i processi di convergenza e contaminazione transmediale in letteratura, le questioni etnico-religiose e di genere nel romanzo anglo-indiano./[English]: Giuseppe De Riso is a researcher in English Literature at the University of Naples “L'Orientale”, where he also completed his Ph.D. in Cultural and Postcolonial Studies of the Anglophone World. He was also editorial assistant and webmaster for Anglistica AION, an interdisciplinary journal of the Department of Literary, Linguistic, and Comparative Studies of the University of Naples “L'Orientale”. He published two books: Affect and the Performative Dimension of Fear in the Indian English Novel: Tumults of the Imagination (Cambridge Scholars, 2018), and Affective Maps and Bio-mediated Bodies in Tridimensional Videogames of the Anglophone World (Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, 2013). He also published different articles on Anglo-Indian literature and digital media, such as “Time out of Time: Transworld Identity and the Collapse of Ontological Boundaries in The Accidental by Ali Smith” (2022), “The Algebra of Anger. Social Oppression and Queer Intersectionality in Funny Boy and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” (2021), “Writing with the Ghost: Specters of Narration in Anil’s Ghost by Michael Ondaatje” (2020), “Ethical Responsibility in Midnight’s Children. Clinical Storytelling as a Form of Biological and Cultural Survival” (2019), “Palimpsests of Power in Neel Mukherjee's The Lives of Others”, “Memory and Negotiations of Identity in Train to Pakistan”, “Of Smoke and Mirrors: Tribal Women in Postcolonial India” (2018) and “Gaming Gender: Virtual Embodiment as a Synaesthetic Experience” (2015). He is currently researching on English Post- and Metamodernism, the processes of transmedia convergence and contamination in literature, as well as ethnic-religious and gender issues in the Anglo-Indian novel. |
Date: | 2023 |
Number of Pages: | 156 |
Institution: | Università di Napoli L'Orientale |
Original publication URL: | |
Nazione dell'editore: | Italia |
Place of Publication: | Napoli |
Publisher: | UnioPress |
Date: | 2023 |
Series Name: | Quaderni della ricerca |
ISBN: | 978-88-6719-266-3 |
Number of Pages: | 156 |
Keywords: | metafiction storioplastica, humour, metamodernismo, metessi, opalescenza, narrazione palindroma, historioplastic metafiction, humour, metamodernism, metaxy, opalescence, palindrome storytelling |
NBN (National Bibliographic Number): | urn:nbn:it:unina-28991 |
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: | Area 10 - Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche > L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica letteraria e letterature comparate |
Date Deposited: | 14 Feb 2023 07:56 |
Last Modified: | 14 Feb 2023 07:56 |
URI: | |
DOI: | 10.6093/978-88-6719-266-3 |
Collection description
[Italiano]: In questo libro, il mondo letterario di Salman Rushdie viene attentamente analizzato con un approccio critico ‘metalettico’. Intrecciando nei suoi romanzi realtà e immaginazione, l’opera dell’autore anglo-indiano testimonia una sensibilità ‘metamoderna’, poiché intreccia senza soluzione di continuità l’esperienza del mondo reale con gli intricati schemi del linguaggio e dell’arte. Partendo dalle contraddizioni e dagli errori presenti nella narrazione del primo capolavoro di Rushdie, I figli della mezzanotte, passando per la fusione di sacro e profano ne I versetti satanici, fino al movimento palindromo o di reciproca convergenza tra vita e scrittura in Quichotte, il volume accompagna chi legge in un viaggio alla scoperta del potere creativo del linguaggio e di come esso plasmi e venga plasmato dalla storia. L’opera di Salman Rushdie offre, infatti, l’opportunità di misurarsi con il rapporto instabile tra realtà storica ed espressione artistica, aspirazioni individuali e bisogni collettivi, identità e disfacimento, verità e finzione./[English]: In this book, the literary world of Salman Rushdie is carefully scrutinised using a ‘metaleptical’ critical approach. Weaving together truth and fiction, reality and fantasy in his novels, the Anglo-Indian author’s work exudes a ‘metamodern’ sensibility as it seamlessly weaves the fabric of real-world experience with the intricate patterns of language and art. Beginning with the contradictions and errors in the narrative of Rushdie’s first masterpiece Midnight’s Children, through the blending of the sacred and the secular in The Satanic Verses, to the palindromic movement of the mutual convergence of life and writing in Quichotte, the volume takes the reader on a journey of discovery of the creative power of language and how it shapes and is shaped by history. Salman Rushdie’s work offers, in fact, the opportunity to engage in a nuanced examination of the balance between historical reality and artistic expression, individual aspirations and collective needs, continuity and decay, truth and make-believe.
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