Viceconte, Milena (2023) La transmisión de la noticia a través de las imágenes: el caso del terremoto de 1627 en la Provincia de Capitanata. In Actas del X Coloquio Internacional SIERS: La transmisión de las noticias. Las relaciones de sucesos como espacio de mezclas, transformaciones y contaminaciones (siglos XVI - XVIII). (In press)

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Item Type: Article
Resource language: Español
Title: La transmisión de la noticia a través de las imágenes: el caso del terremoto de 1627 en la Provincia de Capitanata. In Actas del X Coloquio Internacional SIERS: La transmisión de las noticias. Las relaciones de sucesos como espacio de mezclas, transformaciones y contaminaciones (siglos XVI - XVIII)
Viceconte, Milena
Date: 2023
Date type: Submission
Number of Pages: 18
Institution: Università di Napoli Federico II
Department: Studi Umanistici
Date: 2023
Number of Pages: 18
Keywords: earthquakes; engravings; seismic cartography; Capitanata; visual culture
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 10 - Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche > L-ART/02 - Storia dell'arte moderna
Access rights: Embargoed access
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2024 13:16
Last Modified: 24 Apr 2024 10:11

Collection description

Among the disasters of natural origin that threatened the Kingdom of Naples in the 17th century, the earthquake that hit in the summer of 1627 was probably one of the most violent. The most affected region was the northern part of present-day Apulia, as reported in the accounts that circulated after the catastrophe. Indeed, the news of this event is reflected in a significant number of printed reports, published not only in Naples, but also in various Italian cities and even outside the peninsula. Some of these printed reports include woodcut illustrations that aim to offer a visual testimony of the calamitous event. It is a very wide iconographic repertoire: from generic woodcuts reproducing urban landscapes with ruins, to more complex engravings, such as cartographic maps detailing the different sites damaged by the disaster. This paper aims to examine these images, specifically those of a descriptive-informative kind, which aim to show the tragic consequences of the earthquake described in the news sheet.


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