Priore, Lucia (2006) The role of the Italian school in the light of new social and multicultural context (Intercultural relations are relations between different cultures: it is necessary that these cultures recognise each other as well as being recognised individually for their differences). (Inedito)

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Titolo: The role of the Italian school in the light of new social and multicultural context (Intercultural relations are relations between different cultures: it is necessary that these cultures recognise each other as well as being recognised individually for their differences)
Data: 2006
Tipo di data: Pubblicazione
Tipo di evento: Altro
Titolo dell'evento: Università Federico II, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Lezione in laboratorio di lingua Inglese, Corso di Laurea specialistica in "Scienze delle professioni tecniche e sanitarie , area assistenziale".
Luogo dell'evento: Napoli, Italia
Data: 2006
Parole chiave: Multicultural context, Intercultural relations, Ethnicity, Young people, Social integration, School, University, Education, Globalisation and multicultural society, Peace, World of uncertainties, Prevent violence, Society of knowledge, Diversity, Europe, National School System, Cultural pluralism, The relationship between teaching and learning, Learning to learn, Life skillsto resolve conflicts, European citizen
Riferimenti bibliografici: BIBLIOGRAPHY Armone A., Summa I., 1998, Formarsi per formare, Temi, San Lazzaro di Savena Balduzzi G., 1999, Storia della pedagogia e dei modelli educativi, Guerini, Milano Bellatalla L., 2004, La scuola che cambia: problemi tra competenze e conoscenze, Ed. Del Cerro, Pisa Cambi F., 2004, Saperi e competenze, Laterza, Roma- Bari Ciborra C., Zanzara G.F., 1999 Labirinti dell’innovazione, Etas, Milano Cunti A., 2000, Pedagogia e didattica della formazione, Liguori, Napoli Frabboni F., 2000, Il piano dell’offerta formativa, Bruno Mondatori, Milano Frabboni F., 2000, Manuale di didattica generale, Bruno Mondatori, Milano Frabboni F., Pinto Minerva F., 2001, Manuale di pedagogia generale, Laterza, Roma-Bari Lelli L., 1995, la programmazione, ovvero una scuola da parte dell’allievo, Ethel Editoriale Giorgio Mondatori, Milano Lucidi D., 2002, Globalizzazione, da Voci della Scuola, Tecnodid Lucidi D., 2002, Pedagogia interculturale, da Voci della Scuola, Tecnodid Morgan G., 1992, Sull’onda del cambiamento, Franco Angeli, Milano Morin E., 2000, La testa ben fatta, Raffaello Cortina, Milano Morin E., 2001, I sette saperi necessari all’educazione del futuro, Raffaello Cortina, Milano Wenger E., 1998, Communities of Practice, Learning, Meaning and Identity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR: Area 10 - Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche > L-LIN/12 - Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese
Informazioni aggiuntive: Writing skills - Lezione di lingua inglese, corso di laurea specialistica in Scienza delle professioni tecniche sanitarie, area assistenziale
Depositato il: 14 Mar 2008
Ultima modifica: 30 Apr 2014 19:25

Available Versions of this Item

  • The role of the Italian school in the light of new social and multicultural context (Intercultural relations are relations between different cultures: it is necessary that these cultures recognise each other as well as being recognised individually for their differences). (deposited 14 Mar 2008) [Attualmente visualizzato]


School is a societal institution which imposes the task of developing knowledge and to aid social and critical integration in the intelligence based culture of today’s society People discuss about the extent to which the school system can contribute to the education of society, considering the sense and relevance of this education in a period of uncertainty, characterised by profound cultural mutations due to globalisation and multicultural society. The school system has assumed a large and central role within society, a society in continual and rapid evolution. Under the influence of globalisation and in an increasingly multicultural society, this system has been forced to critically reassess its role in order to be ready to deal with the transformations of society and to be able to change its principal roles of protection and the diffusion of values and knowledge about different cultures. Everyone has their own specific culture which, through/thanks to the phenomenon of globalisation and the increasingly multicultural society , are likely to facilitate social relations between humans on this planet. With respect to these different cultural identities, people are thrown into coexistence with other cultures and are forced to appreciate the differences and interact with one another. It is necessary therefore, that the school system develops the capacity to reorganise and re-establish itself as an educational agency, open to intercultural relations and knowing how to deal with globalisation and to live peacefully in a society characterised principally by uncontrollable knowledge and an overall uncertainty and excessive simplicity.


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